XCOM Legends - 3D Rooms (Mobile)
UI 3D Rooms. Ingame (Unity Mobile)

UI 3D Rooms. Ingame (Unity Mobile)

UI 3D Menu: Geoscape

UI 3D Menu: Geoscape

UI 3D Menu: Geoscape

UI 3D Menu: Geoscape

UI 3D Menu: Geoscape Ingame (Unity Mobile)

UI 3D Menu: Geoscape Ingame (Unity Mobile)

UI 3D Menu: Hangar

UI 3D Menu: Hangar

UI 3D Menu: Hangar Ingame (Unity Mobile)

UI 3D Menu: Hangar Ingame (Unity Mobile)

UI 3D Menu: Labs

UI 3D Menu: Labs

UI 3D Menu: Labs Ingame (Unity Mobile)

UI 3D Menu: Labs Ingame (Unity Mobile)

UI 3D Menu: SpecOps

UI 3D Menu: SpecOps

UI 3D Menu: SpecOps Ingame (Unity Mobile)

UI 3D Menu: SpecOps Ingame (Unity Mobile)

Working files in Blender

Working files in Blender

For the mobile game "XCOM LEGENDS" (IOS and Android) I created a couple of 3d Rooms for the UI Main Menu.
Here are 4 of them: Geoscape, Hangar, Labs and SpecOps.
All the 3d work was made from scratch, using mainly Blender, including Texturing, Lighting and baking. In order to make the scenes highly optimized for Mobile I used one of my own techniques of baking all the materials properties, including reflections and lighting on the DiffuseColor having a very simple, diffuse only material in the engine. One trick to make the baked reflections believable was to have a mix between the camera position and world space reflections.

I had a lot of fun creating these rooms. I hope you like them.
Thank you Chris Reiner for the great Art Direction!

Concepts: Chris Reiner, Max Emmert, Ahmad Beyrouthi.